2014 MidPoint Music Festival Recap [Concert Review]

Cincinnati’s MidPoint Music Festival was once again a success this year with another solid lineup. I will be the first to admit that when I initially scanned the 150 plus bands I didn’t think the offerings were quite as good as last year but after attending, I would say MPMF did alright! From better venues, … Read more

10 Rock n Roll Artists Not To Miss at the MidPoint Music Festival: Sept 25-27

So far, we have covered indie-folk, indie artists and now for our final spotlight installment on the MidPoint Music Festival – Rock n Roll! I know this is all some festival goers will want to see, hear and live so below you will find 10 artists that will be perfect for beer chugging, head rocking … Read more

Wussy: Attica! [Album Review]

Wussy Attica! Shake It Records [2014] Fire Note Says: Wussy rivals their best with addictive Attica! Album Review: The upward progression of a band is the reason people should stick with a group and follow their career. Too many people are stuck on shuffle these days and Spotify makes it so easy to skip around. … Read more