Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
Night Gnomes
Marathon Artists [2022]

From the outside looking in, the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets have been a band that I’ve always had interest in but have never pursued. Today that changes with the release of their 5th album Night Gnomes. Hailing from Australia (which has become an incredible psychedelic hotspot over the years) the group has a strong “DIY mantra” paired with a spacey grandeur propels the band to interesting heights. Night Gnomes is lead Jack McEwan stretching his production techniques to add additional surprise and flair.
What makes Night Gnomes a pleasing excursion is the effectiveness of its’ borrowed psychedelic nostalgia. As soon as the ignition of “Terminus The Creator” hits, big, fuzzy Slift riffs hurl your ears to warp speed. “Lava Lamp Pisco” takes its’ King Gizzard influences and smashes them straight into Wolf People’s “Ninth Night.” “Dread & Butter” juxtapose the wholesome warmth of Rose Windows with the psychological dread of getting older. “Bubblegum Infinity” goes buzzy with Pond’s explosive, cosmic pop energy and Wand’s stoney Golem vibes. “Microwave Dave” goes to war with the mystics flowing seamlessly into album rager “Acid Dent.”
Nostalgia is at the forefront of Night Gnomes but its secret weapon is keeping the songs catchy. “Sherbet Straws” is a beautiful bouncer that’s the lost track from Unknown Mortal Orchestra’s II. Equally impressive is the risk taken by putting the longest song, “Slinky / Holy Water” at the end of the album. Again returning to Mystics era Lips, the track then takes on new life as it floats into “Holy Water” with an Amnesiac dread
At 37 minutes, Night Gnomes doesn’t overstay its welcome and its strong song structure and surprising production flares make this an album you’ll want to have hit your ears more than once this year. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets have successfully continued a streak of fantastic albums!
“Lava Lamp Pisco” / “Sherbet Straws” / “Slinky/Holy Water”
Wand / Holy Wave / Unknown Mortal Orchestra
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